From promotional advertising to movie posters, let’s briefly talk about crafting a strong brand identity. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
For pop-up cinema businesses looking for ideas on growing their business.
How can I get help building a brand identity?
Brand identity is invaluable for any business or website. Book a consultation. Grow your brand whether you’re after a global reach or a local focus. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
What is rear projection?
Rear projection is placing the projector behind the screen. The positives of projecting onto the screen this way are two-fold… FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
How to clean a pop-up cinema screen
Time to get to spring… oh wait, SCREEN cleaning. Here are the 3 most important maintenance measures you need to do to protect a pop-up cinema screen. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
How can I start my own outdoor cinema business?
It’s easy to start your own outdoor cinema business. Passion, creativity and the right equipment and you will be ready to rock up and pop up. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
What is the best screen for pop-up cinema?
There are different kinds of cinema screens, but what is the best screen for pop-up cinema? You probably know the answer but you better read this to check. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
I own an inflatable cinema set-up. Can I show films during the day?
If you are asking “Can I show films during the day?” and you own an inflatable cinema set. We strongly advise you to read this. FAQs on
What can I show at my pop-up cinema?
This is the million-dollar question. The answer is pretty much anything you want…but you may need a license. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
What is a pop-up cinema?
Pop-Up Cinema takes film out of the theatre and to the people to create unique screening environments. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
SPOTLIGHT: Prayer Soul Kick-starts the Pop-Up Cinema Movement in Zimbabwe
‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ We caught up with Prayer Soul who has kickstarted the pop-up cinema movement in Zimbabwe. Prayer launched Cinema People in 2020 as a new way to entertain people by creating truly experiential events that create lasting,...
Don’t Burst My Bubble: COVID Safety Guidelines
We all have our bubbles these days, you know those people we live with. Whether we are sick of them or not at this point there is no getting rid of them or hanging with anyone else. So, what better way to pass the time with those “you love” than piling into the car...
Top 10 Event Tips from a Pro
Outdoor cinema is fun for everyone. It’s no surprise that the pop-up cinema experience is becoming more and more popular all around the world. Here are 10 tips from an industry pro to help you plan a successful and memorable outdoor cinema event 1. Define your...
Are you a POP-UP Cinema owner?
Stop suffering from FOMO and get listed on the Pop-Up cinema directory! With all the increased traffic you are going to have to deal with you may have to hire car guards. Click the button, choose your package, fill in the form, upload your images and you’re good to go! And don’t worry, you can actually preview your listing before you commit…
because we all know commitment can be scary.
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The Pop-Up Cinema Market Size
As we put this directory for the pop-up cinema industry together we did some research and dove deep into markets...
What could I add to my equipment and event kit?
Supplies for drive-in and outdoor cinema owners to enhance the audiences experience. From Generators to photo booth props. FAQs on the world’s first and only global pop-up cinema directory!
Cool Gift Ideas for Drive-in and Outdoor Film Enthusiasts
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